Thursday, November 13, 2014

Urinary Incontinence – Bring A Permanent End To Your Miseries

Timely treatment for urinary incontinence can help avoid future health problems
Urinary incontinence is the problem of involuntary and uncontrolled leakage of urine and it mostly affects women after child birth. Being an embarrassing condition, it often goes unreported due to which the quality of life of the patient suffers. The severity of this medical condition ranges from inability to control urine during a laugh, sneeze or cough to a full urinary accident occurring due to an intense urge to urinate immediately.

Pregnancy has a significant impact on the vagina and leads to weakened pelvic muscles and ligaments, causing urine leakage during stress. It is not only mentally distressing but also affects the social life of the patient to a great extent. Bladder control problems often restrict the person to the four walls of the house and prevent them from actively participating in social events and outdoor activities. Normal day to day functioning is also adversely impacted due to the frustration experienced during this medical condition.
Helpful tips
Urinary incontinence can be treated with drugs, floor exercises, therapeutic treatments, behavior modification therapies and surgery in extreme cases. If you are suffering from urinary incontinence, speak to a specialist and bring an end to your embarrassment. Proper diagnosis, timely treatment and proper care can reverse your problem and give you permanent freedom from your restrictions.
The CU Center for women’s health is a state-of-the-art healthcare facility, based in Beverly Hills, LA, that specializes in treating all problems related to female urinaryincontinence. To get in touch with the health experts at the CU Center for Women’s health, please visit: